Across the bay from Hendaye and joining on the practical town of Irun, Honarribia is a charming tranquil little resort & port. However the battered town walls reveal a dark past of conflict between the kingdoms of France, Castille and Navarre.

It's a bit nippy in winter and very busy in August with French holidaymakers so Spring and Autumn are perfect.

To help appreciate the town, I'd recommend getting a copy of A Basque Diary by Alex Hallett which recounts her time living in Hondarribia.


Station stroll ideas

It's perfectly possible to walk to and around Honarribia from Irun Eustotren station or even Hendaye station, but only really worth the 5km of shoe leather if you like looking at airport runways.

The Honarribia app is a good guide to help you navigate around the town:

There are a series of walking trails out of town are available here:

Guided tours



Getting there

From San Sebastian, catch the E21 bus.

From Irun, catch the E25 or E27 bus from outside Irun Euskotren station (the top exit up the stairs).

If you are coming from Hendaye, Catch the E2 to Irun station first.

Useful links

Where next?

How about San Sebastian?